mirador muntanya sant julià
Església de Sants Metges de Sant Julià de Ramis

Sant Julià de Ramis

The cradle of cultures and recovery of a legacy

Sant Julià de Ramis, with an area of 18 km² and 3,400 inhabitants, is located in the north center of Gironès to the left of the Ter and close to the limits of Pla de l’Estany. It is made up of two distinct geographical sectors separated by the San Julià mountain and connected by two natural passes, the Congost and the costa Roja.

At the top of the San Julià mountain there is the Iberian settlement Castellum Fractum, a direct predecessor of the Roman city of Gerunda, and considered one of the most important prehistoric sites in the Girona region. An open-air space that is museumized and can be visited all year round. In fact, several cave habitats have also been found in these lands, such as “El Cau de les Goges”, which prove that they were inhabited even much earlier, since prehistoric times.

A few meters from the site there is also the Romanesque Church of Sants Metges (XI-XII) dedicated to Saints Cosme and Damià. Next to the church there is the Can Bóta farmhouse, currently rehabilitated and converted into a bar and cultural equipment very frequented by visitors to the area.

In this area we also find the medieval castles of Montagut and Medinyà, at the foot of this second castle the current village of Medinyà arose, an independent town until 1972, when it was annexed in Sant Julià de Ramis.

Ajuntament de Sant Julia de Ramis
Carrer Major, 1, 17481 Sant Julià de Ramis

972 170 909



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