
Aparcament d'autocaravanes a Domeny, Girona


One of the main advantages of going with a motorhome, is the freedom that it implies and that it is a different experience from the traditional accomodation, it allows you to improvise without a set schedules. If you are interested in this type of tourism, here you have a compilation of the motorhome areas that are distributed throughout the Gironès region and the services offered by each one.



Cassà de la Selva Motorhome Area972 460 005www.cassadestapa.catCassà de la Selva
Girona Motorhome Area972 419 010www.girona.catGirona
Llagostera Motorhome Area 972 832 322www.visitallagostera.comLlagostera
Pàrquing Vayreda La Devesa972 226 228 / 972 207 608www.empark.com/es/es/parking/Girona/parking-vayredaGirona
Quart Motorhome Area972 469 171www.quart.catQuart
Sant Gregori Motorhome Area972 428 300www.santgregori.catSant Gregori
Sant Julià de Ramis Motorhome Area 972 170 909www.santjuliaderamis.catSant Julià de Ramis
