Ciclista pels camins que voregen Ter Ciclistes fent la Ruta del Ter

The Ter Route

Distance: 42,83 km

Elevation gain: 77 m

Difficulty: Moderate

Circular: Yes

Visit the route track in Wikiloc.


The Ter Route is a hiking and cycling route that connects the Pyrenees with the Costa Brava by means of a tour that follows the course of the river Ter and wich, as it passes through the Gironès region (52km), takes in the villages of Bescanó, Salt, Girona, Sarrià de Ter, Sant Jordi Desvalls, Sant Julià de Ramis, Cervià de Ter, Celrà, Bordils, Sant Joan de Mollet and Flaçà.

Visit Ruta del Ter to know more.

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