Visites teatrelitzades banys àrabs girona gironès

Visites teatralitzades als Banys Àrabs

4 unique theatrical night visits during the months of August and September

The guided tour is in the night and transports the visitor to the Middle Ages with a tour of the different rooms; the dressing room or apoditeri, the cold room or frigidari, the warm room or tepidari and the hot room or caldari, to explain, among other curiosities, the sophisticated and complex functioning of the Arab Baths and what makes it so different from the Roman baths.

In addition, throughout the visit characters like humour, will reveal many curiosities about the society of the time, such as, for example, how different religions coexisted, or the way our ancestors understood hygiene.

Built in 1198, the Arab Baths are one of the most emblematic architecture in the city and the only Romanesque-style public baths preserved.

Places are limited!




The price is 12,50 € per person.


  • August 29th at 21:30h
  • September 6th, 13th and 27th at 21:00h.
  • The duration of the visit is approximately one hour.

C/ Ferran el Catòlic, s/n

T. 972 19 09 69



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