sant vicents viladasens gironès


Essència rural

The municipality of Viladasens has almost 16 km² and a little bit more than 200 inhabitants. Its name means “village of donkeys”.  You’ve got it in the northeast corner of the Gironès region. This village is comprised of five areas: Fellines, the Mas Nicolau, the Mata, the Mora i Viladasens.   The municipal borough is in an undulating  terrain with small hills.  Viladasens is drained by the Cinyana stream and its valley.  There  the forests of pines and holm oaks grow.

In this small village have been found remains of the Iberian period on the hill of Pou del Glaç and Creu de Fellines. During the medieval period Viladasens doubled its population, the agriculture expanded and it became a rural village with landscapes that will give you peace and tranquillity.

You should visit the churches of Sant Vicenç de Viladasens, Sant Martí de Fellines, a Romanic church declared as a Good of Local  Cultural Interest, and Sant Martí de la Mora.

Photo: Ricard Ballo and Montserrat Tañá (www.catalunyamedieval.es)

Ajuntament de Viladasens
Carrer del Taronger, 1, 17464

972 496 150



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